I have learned a lesson to keep;
About the difference of wolf and sheep;
I learned this difference when I tried to speak;
And suddenly everyone turned their other cheek;
So instead I picked up paper and wrote;
Trying to explain it all in a note;
But all of the sudden no one would read;
This lesson however I knew they would need;
So now instead I spoke aloud so they could hear;
But suddenly they all chose now to turn a deaf ear;
Grabbing their hands I tried to explain;
But everyone already closed off their brain;
My words were too deep and full of thought;
Maybe through actions they could only be taught;
All I wanted was to help people learn;
But my words they couldn’t discern;
So now they must all face this alone;
Finding the answers I’ve always known;
But they wouldn’t let me help them at all;
Keeping me at a distance behind their wall;
I wish them the best cause their struggle will be hard;
In the end they’ll be even more scarred;
It will take a long time as answers they seek;
Answers I already tried so hard to speak